G.M. COLLIN, an undisputed leader in dermo-corrective skincare solutions, develops all products with the continuous goal of providing state-of-the-art product formulations in accordance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Health Canada requirements.

G.M. COLLIN, an undisputed leader in dermo-corrective skincare solutions, develops all products with the continuous goal of providing state-of-the-art product formulations in accordance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Health Canada requirements.


Our team of scientists, comprised of chemists, dermatologists and biologists, conducts hundreds of studies in the development of new products. Each formula is the culmination of years of research and development to obtain the most effective skincare solutions on the market while minimizing the risk of irritation and promoting allergen-free fragrances.



We use ingredients of the highest quality and state-of-the-art formulations to achieve instant, noticeable and lasting effects. All our ingredients are submitted and reviewed for compliance under strictly controlled tests to meet the highest standards and all our formulas are approved by Health Canada, the FDA, and the European cosmetics legislation.


Our team of scientists, comprised of chemists, dermatologists and biologists, conducts hundreds of studies in the development of new products. Each formula is the culmination of years of research and development to obtain the most effective skincare solutions on the market while minimizing the risk of irritation and promoting allergen-free fragrances.


We use ingredients of the highest quality and state-of-the-art formulations to achieve instant, noticeable and lasting effects. All our ingredients are submitted and reviewed for compliance under strictly controlled tests to meet the highest standards and all our formulas are approved by Health Canada, the FDA, and the European cosmetics legislation.


G.M. COLLIN chooses ingredients that are safe for the users and the environment. From ingredients harvested without creating waste to ingredients being produced through ecological farming, this ensures climate protection, promotes diversity and avoids contamination.

We are committed to choosing sustainable ingredients that are produced to reduce environmental impact, that promote reforestation and plant protection, and that come from equitable and responsible production lines.



The efficacy and safety of each product are confirmed by rigorous clinical studies conducted from a pool of thousands of volunteers. Every detail is carefully studied to ensure unparalleled results.

At G.M. COLLIN, quantitative and measurable clinical evaluations are carried out on all dermo-corrective products, as well as on our clinical care, to measure their effectiveness. Several factors are taken into consideration in the analysis to ensure that our formulas meet the highest levels of standards in the world of dermo-corrective skincare.

G.M. COLLIN is proud to carry out these clinical studies in its laboratories using high-tech methods and sophisticated instruments such as imaging, profilometry and colorimetry, to name a few.

Each product goes through rigorous clinical evaluations that are then analyzed and compared to high-level specifications before being offered to clients. No product is launched without ensuring that it meets our standards, which is to offer the highest results in the market.


G.M. COLLIN chooses ingredients that are safe for the users and the environment. From ingredients harvested without creating waste to ingredients being produced through ecological farming, this ensures climate protection, promotes diversity and avoids contamination.

We are committed to choosing sustainable ingredients that are produced to reduce environmental impact, that promote reforestation and plant protection, and that come from equitable and responsible production lines.


The efficacy and safety of each product are confirmed by rigorous clinical studies conducted from a pool of thousands of volunteers. Every detail is carefully studied to ensure unparalleled results.

At G.M. COLLIN, quantitative and measurable clinical evaluations are carried out on all dermo-corrective products, as well as on our clinical care, to measure their effectiveness. Several factors are taken into consideration in the analysis to ensure that our formulas meet the highest levels of standards in the world of dermo-corrective skncare.

G.M. COLLIN is proud to carry out these clinical studies in its laboratories using high-tech methods and sophisticated instruments such as imaging, profilometry and colorimetry, to name a few.

Each product goes through rigorous clinical evaluations that are then analyzed and compared to high-level specifications before being offered to clients. No product is launched without ensuring that it meets our standards, which is to offer the highest results in the market.